
Ethical Marketing Policy

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At ecofleet we commit to honest and ethical marketing. Our marketing strategies focus on not only how our services benefit our customers, but also how they benefit the environment and our local community. This policy statement lays out ecofleet’s commitments to marketing in an ethical and inclusive way.

  • We reject all forms of greenwashing and impact washing when promoting our services.
  • We do not use dishonest marketing tactics such as false advertising or fake reviews.
  • We do not exaggerate the benefits of our services or inflate analytics.
  • We only communicate and present data, facts and figures that are true, without reasonable doubt.
  • We do not withhold negative information from the public solely to protect our brand image.
  • With your consent, we may use your data for marketing purposes, which may include contacting you with information, i.e., news about our products and/or services.
  • We are GDPR compliant. We are Privacy Policy compliant.
  • We do not sell or misuse customer data.
  • Our SEO is done ethically and on merit, based on genuine relationships and partnerships. We will not purchase links, intentionally hide content, or engage in otherwise unethical behaviour.
  • We only create truthful and accurate content that aligns with our mission.
  • We do not share unsolicited marketing or spam emails.
  • Our online and social media communities are a place to celebrate diversity.
  • We value individual differences and avoid stereotyping customers or depicting demographic groups e.g. gender, race, sexual orientation in a negative or dehumanising way.
  • We take steps to avoid any exploitation, appropriation, or stereotyping of underrepresented or historically oppressed people or groups within our marketing content.
  • We seek out feedback on the appropriateness and sensitivity of our marketing content.

Finally, we commit to continually improving and updating our ethical marketing practices as we evolve as a company and develop new techniques to reach and engage audiences. If you have any questions or feedback that can help us to improve, please get in touch using the contact form on our website.

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